About the ✨Holy Nights✨

There is a magical time of the year, indeed around Christmas, but it’s not just ‘Christmas’ what I mean. It is actually the time-difference between a ‘Solar year’ (our regular year calendar of 365 days) and a ‘Lunar year’ (as in: a year in Moon cycles, approximately 354 days). So there is an 11-day difference between one solar year and one lunar year. And it’s these days, or better: these nights that matter!

It's a mysterious, quiet, still, but undeniably powerful time from one year to another. Commonly known as the time from Christmas Eve to Epiphany or Three Kings Day. Our ancestors already knew about this magical time and how to charge yourself with the power of these magical nights. They captured this in the Yule Fest and in the ceremonial “Rauchnächte,” the Holy Nights.

The Holy Nights offer a profound opportunity to draw your energy inward. Just like we see in nature in this time of year, where the plants and the trees that have dropped their leaves and animals are in hibernation.

It’s not hard to just feel the stillness, the quiet and the silence. When we draw our energy inward we can connect through our intuition and our dreams to the messages that our Soul wants us to know.

"Isn’t it funny that a known tradition has so many varieties?"

When you g**gle you can find many ways on when to start with these Holy Nights.

Some consider it are 12 nights, some 13. You can consider the 13th night to be the first, the last or the middle one. Some start on the Winter Solstice, some on Christmas Eve, and others on the 23rd or the 25th of December.

Isn’t that funny that a known tradition has so many varieties? But you know what, the power of a ritual lies in what you choose that is meaningful and powerful to you.

"The veil between the visible world and the spirit world is said to be thinner in this time of year."

The opportunity presented by these Holy Nights is that the veil between the visible world and the spirit world is said to be thinner in this time. You can open yourself up to the messages that the spirit world has for you, by paying attention to what you dream at night, being aware of what happens during daytime, and by tuning in intuitively to the information that is available for you.

Every Holy Night opens a window on a specific month in the upcoming year. And you can receive messages, information and directions for what your soulful-self would encourage you to do.

Mid Winter Festival


An inspiring journey through the Heart of Winter

The Mid Winter Festival is all about You connecting to your Soul by doing the Holy Nights Practice. And, to go just one level deeper than you are used to do on your own.

When you are a person who longs for a meaningful and a purpose based life, than this is for you! Start your magical journey today and join this Mid Winter Festival for free!

Why should you participate?

The Festival is both a Festival and a Retreat. You can do the Holy Nights Practice perfectly on your own. But, by doing it in connection with like minded souls you increase the possibilty of a profound experience. Connection give’s leverage. Like in this African proverb: "To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together."

Connecting in the same intention gives even more leverage. Group intention creates a strong field of possibilities. An energy field that increases the opportunity of miracles happening in every participants life.  

My intention for this Festival is to create a circle of light around the globe, to joyfully deepen the connection with our Soul’s Purpose, and to feel inspired and empowered by a magical practice trough the heart of winter.

